Petition calls for 'Mattress Mack Day' in Houston

Petition calls for 'Mattress Mack Day' in Houston

 A petition to make Aug. 26 “Mattress Mack Day” in Houston already has more than 100,000 signatures.

“It's time, Houston it's time, that Mattress Mack deserves his own Houston's day/ key to the city,” William Philips posted on the petition. “During Hurricane Harvey he turned the key to his locations and opened them up as Shelters. This man is a Houston icon that deserves to be remembered forever. Signing this petition will help us get what he deserves August 26 is to be declared as Mattress Mack Day in Houston.”

After reaching its goal of 150,000 signatures the petition will be passed along to the City of Houston.

Jim "Mattress Mack" McIngvale of Gallery Furniture gathered volunteers and his trucks to rescue people after Harvey hit Houston.

"We had several Penske rental trucks, 24-foot trucks that you can get in any flooded street. We sent volunteers out in Houston picking up people," McIngvale said.

McIngvale said the community has always supported him in the toughest of times. In 2009, someone lit his warehouse on fire that resulted in millions of dollars' worth of damage.

He said supporting Houstonians during this tragic time is his way of giving back. Currently, there are 400 adults and children at two of his stores.

McIngvale said he is providing free breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the evacuees.

"I was raised as a Catholic. I continued my Catholic faith throughout my life, trying to do the right thing and hopefully, you do the right thing and help people along the way," McIngvale said. "Sitting in a perfectly normal house one day and then, 10 minutes later you've got three feet of water in it. So, it's very stressful and we're trying to help them out because they've done so much for us over the years," McIngvale said.

McIngvale is a household name in Houston, known for his commercials and a catchy phrase: "Gallery Furniture will save you money!"

He's also, largely known for his philanthropy. He's given to numerous charities. For more than 20 years, he's donated rooms full of furniture to families in need for Christmas.

McIngvale has provided shelter to people once before. He helped 200 evacuees who fled New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina.