Not Many People Know About This Exotic Animal Sanctuary Right Here In Texas

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Not Many People Know About This Exotic Animal Sanctuary Right Here In Texas

If you’ve ever wanted to get up close and personal with animals that can’t be found in zoos, here’s your chance. The International Exotic Animal Sanctuary in Boyd is home to some of the most unique exotic and/or endangered animals in the world – and you have the opportunity to meet them. (Photos via Facebook/ieasanimals)

The sanctuary includes lions, tigers, bears (oh my!), bobcats, cougars, jaguars, and other exotic species.

The primary goal of IEAS is to educate the public through lectures, school programs abd conservation support, in order to ensure the future of these majestic beings.

They even have an Emotional Enrichment Program focusing on mentally rehabilitating animals that entered the sanctuary stressed and/or resentful from past abuse or neglect.

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You can get up close and personal with these amazing creatures by taking a tour of the facility, which you can reserve here.

And if you absolutely fall in love with one of the animals, you can even "adopt" it and come in for monthly visits!

The preservation of these exotic species is crucial, and it's truly heartwarming that our state has a safe haven to protect them and their prosperity.

Have you ever been to the IEAS? What exotic animal species would you be most excited to see?

Via  with Only in Texas