Mattress Mack treats Houston’s first responders to a moment no Astros fan will ever forget

Mattress Mack treats Houston’s first responders to a moment no Astros fan will ever forget

After making history with their heroic service during Hurricane Harvey, one businessman saw to it that first responders received a seat to watch the Houston Astros take one more step toward the World Series.

Jim “Mattress Mack” McIngvale, a household name across southeast Texas for his popular furniture retailer Gallery Furniture, reserved 90 centerfield suite tickets for Harvey first responders to last Friday night’s Game 6 of the American League Champion Series to watch the Astros take the Yankees.

While so many are grateful to Mattress Mack for the generous contributions he made to help Houston recover, his sign of gratitude did not go unnoticed.

“For him to do this, it’s a big morale boost for all of the guys,” one of the first responder’s told ABC13.


Many credit Mattress Mack as the man who saved the city of Houston, but it is clear he understands he couldn’t have done it alone. Going without sleep, venturing out into contaminated waters and leaving their own families during a disaster, Houston’s first responders saved countless lives.

Via Rare Houston