I ❤️ 11th Festival Vendor Application
We appreciate your interest in becoming a vendor for the I ❤️ 11th Festival at 11th Street in the Heights on December 7th from 12pm to 6pm. This festival is a vibrant celebration of community, culture, and creativity, featuring exciting new partnerships and initiatives with 1,000's of attendees annually. Take a couple of minutes to review the information and fill out the form below to complete your Market Application.
This is strictly your application. Upon completion, our team will asses your application and notify you upon approval.
Booth Size and Fee’s
- The standard Vendor Fee is $100, we want this to be a place where you can build around so we are keeping the price low.
- Each Vendor's location within our event will depend on the time you confirm your spot with payment.
- All vendors will receive a 10x10 ft area that they will be responsible for, so bring your own table. There will be a few extra tables that we may be able to assist with. Reach out for details.
Application Process
- Each vendor will be gauged on their product or business, this is in order to keep the market fair with a unique eclectic blend.
- Once we’ve received the application and reviewed it, we will notify you for approval.
- After you have been approved, we will give you details on how to submit payment to reserve your spot as a part of the market at the I Love 11th Neighborhood Festival.
- If you didn’t sign up in time or didn’t get approved, stay persistent, and re-submit for our following events.
Market Details
Houston Heights
501 W 11th St. Houston, TX 77008
December 7th 12pm - 6pm
Vendors can start load-in at 9am on the day of the event to begin setup.