How These Two 17-Year-Olds Are Cashing In On The Fidget Spinners Everyone Is Talking About
Six months ago, spinners were unheard of. The hands of children were oddly empty. Today most middle and high school kids either have an original Fidget360, or have one of the many knock-offs. All parents and teachers know what spinners are, regardless of if they approve.
When Allan Maman looked around for something to alleviate his own ADHD, he ran into the concept of a toy that allowed you to unconsciously fidget while still focusing on another task. At the time, nobody was producing fidgets for the marketplace in a readily available way. Maman saw the need and realized he could fill the gap. From that insight, the original Fidget360 was born.
Maman, with friend and fellow young entrepreneur, Cooper Weiss, both seventeen year old business moguls, first began producing spinners on their high school’s 3D printer. There, they gained valuable insights into the manufacturing process thanks to the help of their physics teacher, Eric Savino. Using their school's 3D printers allowed them to have a higher profit margins.
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This led to them making hundreds of dollars within the first few days. Seeing how every kid wanted one in their school was instant validation that this could sell to every kid. However, once administration heard about what was going on, they ended up almost suspending them from the school.
The team then relocated to Cooper’s basement after buying eight 3D printers, but demand quickly outstripped capacity and they set up in a Brooklyn factory where thirty 3D printers churned out Fidget360s around the clock. Even that operation quickly proved too small, and in a short time they needed to shift to injection molding in China.