Cheap Beer at Randalls! $4.99 Saint Arnold, Karbach, Shiner 6-packs

Cheap Beer at Randalls! $4.99 Saint Arnold, Karbach, Shiner 6-packs

It's always Happy Hour in Houston! Head on over to Randalls for some cheap beer. They are running a $4.99 each special on 6 packs effective from Wednesday May 10th to Tuesday May 16th 2017. Saint Arnold, Karbach, Shiner, Bud or Coors are all included. Can be 12 oz bottles or cans. The only catch is you must buy 4 or more six packs to get the discount, but you can mix and match your variety. Limited to 8 six packs per person. Single 6 pack price during the Sale: $6.99.